Liberia is a country found in West Africa that lies close to the equator, in the tropics. Here there are many species of animals and plants and form part of the West African Rain Forest.
One of the animals found in Liberia is the
Liberian Mongoose. This rare mongoose is mainly found in the northern parts of Liberia where the live in the low lying areas. The Liberian mongoose has a dark brow color and has stripes on the neck. The feet are much darker compared to the rest of the body.
These animals have a long snout as well as long claws on the front feet that enable them forage and scratch for food. They eat mainly beetle larvae and earthworms, which they dig up from the ground. The Liberian mongoose is widely hunted by the local population as a food delicacy. The mongoose is also badly affected by deforestation as well as increased human activity within its habitat.
The nation of Liberia also has a sizable
chimpanzee population.
Liberia also has what are known as hairy frogs.
These are frogs that contain hair-like gills which are used for breathing underwater when mating. However, this applies to males only. Females too, have hair but these are not gills. The frogs have claws on their toes. There are a number of animals on the endangered list found here too. They include the Pygmy hippo, the Diana monkey, Cross River Gorilla, the white-breasted guinea fowl and the Nigerian chimpanzee among a host of other endangered species.
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